September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shocking revelations in the rape case of a 16-year-old girl in Kolonos

Rape case of 16 year old girl father of her ex-boyfriend in Kolonos is becoming increasingly detailed. The 44-year-old defendant is expected to testify today, Tuesday, August 27, but it is already known that he denies the charges, claiming that he had consensual relationship with a minor.

A man is accused of sexually abusing his son's girlfriend for about two months, threatening her not to talk or he would harm her family. The girl allegedly confided her ordeal to a friend, who encouraged her to talk to her family, and the case was referred to police after her father filed a complaint.

In a conversation with the police, the girl said, addressing the man: “I kept telling him, 'Why are you doing this? Why are you torturing me? Why are you hurting me?'And he answered: “Do this or your loved ones will suffer. I will burn your houses. I will kill your father and your sister, because I have friends among the criminals.”.

The teenage girl had recently lost her mother to cancer. She was left with only her father and sister, and she was scared.He threatened me. He told me, “I'll take your father. I know he has a bad heart. I'll give him two blows to the heart and take him to where your mother is.”– the girl testified.

The offender is accused of luring a minor to a deserted parking lot in Kolonos and repeatedly raping her in his car. “I was having a panic attack. I was shaking. I couldn't catch my breath. I was so scared. I was telling him, 'Please, go away. I'm scared. I feel sick.' And he said, 'Five minutes, let me do this, and then we'll go,'” – says the minor.

“She didn't say a word to protect her family.”

One of the minor's close friends, in an interview with the Star, described the man accused of raping her, saying: “Cold and calm, like nothing was happening. I don't know how I held on. The child was broken and didn't say a word, didn't say a word dear. To protect me and my sister, as I told her when she was growing up: 'No matter what happens, first daddy, then the police,'” – the girl’s relative told journalists from the Star TV channel and continued:
“On Monday night he raped a child, and on Tuesday morning this good-for-nothing had the nerve to leave the house, go to a new house, where he was even arrested, the police created a stir to find evidence.”

“I want to make love before I die”

The girl told the Athens Security Unit and a psychologist about her nightmare: “We went somewhere to Petroupolis, high in the mountains, and he said to me: “I want you”He also said: “I want to have sex with you because I don't know how long I'm going to live and I want it to be with you.” I replied: “Why are you telling me this? I'm having an affair with your son and I'm 16.”“I told him all this to convince him not to do anything, because I was scared too.”
The man allegedly raped the minor at least 10 times, according to the victim's description: “He said, 'Undress me.' I tell him: “I don't want”. I tried to see if I could convince him. I told him things like: “Why are you doing this? Your son won't want this. You have a wife, you have a child.” I told him a lot of things, but he didn't seem to care. I took my clothes off and he came over.”

Messages that “burned” the criminal

The messages between the minor and the man are one of the pieces of evidence that will be of particular importance to the investigating judge. Messages that he did not hesitate to delete from the girl's mobile phone to cover his tracks.

In a documentary video shown yesterday, Monday, on the central news outlet Zvezda, the accused, along with his friends and girlfriend, is seen meeting the girl in Colonu Alley, taking her mobile phone from her hands and, according to her, deleting offensive materials.

“I had sexual relations with a girl, everything was done with her consent”

The accused, in a conversation with Mega, claimed that he had an affair with the girl and that he had divorced her. He also claimed that the minor filed a complaint because she was afraid of her father's reaction.

“I did not rape the complainant. I would never do that. We had a relationship, and an open one at that. In fact, I divorced my wife when this became known. It was around the end of July. I never threatened her to have sexual contact. I met the girl when she was having an affair with my son. Unfortunately, I gave in and had an affair with her.”he said.

“I also knew her father. I suspect the girl was afraid of her father's reaction when he found out about our relationship and attributed it to rape. She claims her friend found out about all this 20 days ago but did not file a complaint. If they open my mobile phone, the whole truth will come out,” – he said.

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