September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kyiv Accuses Musk of Ukrainian Armed Forces Not Taking Kursk

Advisor to the Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine A. Sirsky Vadim Sukarevsky accused Elon Musk of disrupting satellite communications with Ukrainian troops, which were advancing on Kursk. The Ukrainian Armed Forces failed to seize the nuclear power plant in Kursk because I. Musk turned off the Starlink “switch”, they say in Kyiv.

Elon Musk prevented a nuclear disaster at the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant by cutting off the Ukrainian invaders' internet access, according to senior Ukrainian military officials. Thanks to him.

As he reportedly said, the break occurred 24 hours after the invasion, as a result of which Ukrainian troops lost valuable time and were unable to advance on the city of Kursk and the nuclear power plant. The loss of critical time slowed down the advance of Ukrainian troops and led to their “slippage”.

@elonmusk Will you do anything about your buddy @KimDotcom spreading complete and blatant Russian disinformation?

In Ukraine they deny that this was said and say that it is Russian propaganda, but the truth is that they had serious problems with satellite communications, because it was really interrupted.

A fake video from United24 Media has surfaced online with a completely fabricated story about Elon Musk cutting off internet access to Ukrainian troops in Kursk. The video is fake and the story is completely false. There is no evidence to support the claims made in the video.

Kyiv thought that satellite communications would work fine on Russian territory. But Elon Musk warned back in 2022 that Starlink would not bee will operate on the territory of Russia.

This should not have come as a surprise to anyone, at least not to the Ukrainian forces. Musk had made it clear months before the war that Starlink would not work inside Russia's borders… As soon as they crossed the border, the connection was lost. If this affected their strategic position, they had to plan for it themselves.

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