September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Volos: Dead Fish on the Beach. What Scientists Say

Scientists have explained where hundreds of dead fish washed up on the beach in the city of Volos came from.

The images of dead freshwater fish washed up on the beach may have surprised residents and visitors alike. However, experts have found an explanation for the phenomenon. In a program on the Mega channel, Dimitris Klaudatos, an associate professor at the University of Thessaly, shared his thoughts. According to him, “These are freshwater fish that could not withstand the saltiness of the sea“. “It seems that after the flood events that we had, areas of Lake Karla were flooded. Some fish ended up in the sea, in the Gulf of Pagasitikos“, – said, in particular, D. Klaudatos.

Citizens uploaded the relevant photos to social networks, noting that the sight is heartbreakingAccording to the expert, The dead fish do not indicate poor water quality in Pagasitikos, but their death was due to the difference in water composition in the new habitat in which they found themselves by chance. In other words, these fish cannot adapt to sea water, and as a result they die from suffocation.

Fish washed up on the beach remained on the shore for several days. As a result, they began to decompose and smell bad, causing a strong reaction from residents and owners of coastal taverns.

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