September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Cyprus extradites Russian detained last summer to US

Cyprus has extradited Russian and German citizen Artur Petrov, accused of exporting military microelectronics, to the United States.

He was detained in the summer of 2023 on suspicion of illegally exporting American military microelectronics to the Russian Federation. reports United States Department of Justice.

On Friday, August 9, Petrov, 33, made his first appearance in U.S. federal court after being extradited from Cyprus for export control violations, smuggling, fraud and money laundering. A year ago, in August 2023, he was arrested in Cyprus at the request of the U.S. Department of Justice, which accused him of participating in a scheme to purchase American microelectronics subject to U.S. export controls.

As the investigation established, Petrov worked for a Russian supplier of electronics for the Russian army – OOO Elektrokom VPK. Together with two Russian citizens, he managed a network of illegal purchases of sanctioned goods around the world, using, in particular, the Cypriot shell company Astrafteros. Through it, the Russian allegedly purchased equipment for fire safety systems. Then, through shell companies of other participants in the conspiracy in third countries, the goods were supplied to Elektrokom.

The participants in the criminal scheme managed to purchase and transfer to Russia electronic components for military purposes worth more than $225,000. The companies included in the network were subject to US sanctions back in November 2023.

Artur Petrov is charged with 11 counts, the most serious of which carry a sentence of twenty years in prison.

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