September 15, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The bear came to school and was surprised: where is everyone? (video)

In California, a wild bear entered a school classroom: it leisurely wandered between the desks and even had a little snack.

To his credit, the bear behaved “with dignity” and did not act up. At that time, the teacher was in the classroom, preparing for the new school year. Or rather, she went out for a short time to the neighboring building.

The incident took place in Pine Mountain Club in the American state of California (USA). Elementary school teacher Elaine Salmon, as reports ABC News went to the school's neighboring building to make copies of the documents. And when she returned, she saw an unusual “guest”:

“I opened the door to my classroom and there was this bear running towards the exit. I locked the animal inside and went back to the school office where I called my husband on the phone.”

At first terribly frightened, the woman now remembers everything with laughter:

“My first thought was, 'Is this going to do any harm? I have brand new floors and curtains already up.'”

The teacher's husband, Ian Sowrey, came to his wife's aid and filmed the wild animal roaming around inside the small classroom. The footage shows the bear calmly wandering between desks, sniffing Elaine's lunch bag and then trying to find a way out. The teacher and her husband were seen banging on the window outside the classroom to attract the bear. In the video, Ian can be heard repeatedly saying in amazement: “Goodness gracious, but he's not afraid of people.”

Several times the bear tried to get out through the closed window. He climbed onto the windowsill and scratched the glass with his front paws. Finally, the teacher's husband entered the classroom and left the door open so that the bear could safely exit. He did not keep them waiting long and boldly walked to the exit just a few dozen centimeters from Ian. Once free, the bear ran towards the wooded mountains around the school.

According to Elaine, the bear did not cause any damage, but only attacked the classroom's food supplies, which were kept in case of earthquakes.

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