September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Drought has reduced fruit and vegetable production and led to higher prices

Fruit and vegetable prices have skyrocketed recently, with farmers complaining of drought and water shortages. At the same time, prices at farmers' markets have already approached supermarket prices.

George, a farmer from Corinth, spoke on TV this morning about the market situation and prices: “Due to weather conditions, the grapes appeared at least 15 days earlier. And because of the drought. We have problems with water and infrastructure in the prefecture of Corinthia he said at the beginning and continued, complaining about the indifference on the part of the state, – aboutdid not forget about Corinth. Nothing grows without water. Production is small. The price of grapes ranges from 2 to 2.5 euros. You can find it in the supermarket for 4 euros. We must monitor prices for citizens.”

A farmer from Megara echoes his colleague, noting that the weather these days is not conducive to a good harvest, as it is very hot and traffic is slow. “Everyone who wants and wishes can come, we thank those who support us. There are few peoplePthe elderly sit at home“, he said.

For their part, buyers explain that they prefer the farmers' market to the supermarket, commenting on the prices.The prices seemed high to me because when a tomato costs 1.90 euros and a bunch of grapes costs 6 euros, you know… I avoid the vegetable section in the supermarket, I don't really like the quality,” they say.

However, prices at farmers' markets are gradually rising and have often approached supermarket prices. Moreover, in such heat, many market sellers have problems with the quality of products, which spoil very quickly, and they are loath to sell at a loss.

Fruits and vegetables have become sharply more expensive. According to the wholesale price bulletin issued by the Central Agency for Markets and Fisheries, Cucumbers have increased in price by 40% in a week, parsley by 25%, lettuce by 11%, and annual price changes are also at a high level.

How cheaply they sell everything is their choice, it is determined by their professionalism and what they want to give to the world,” says fruit seller Yannis Sideris.

According to the MEGA report, vegetable prices are as follows:

  • Tomatoes: €1.50-2.50 per kilo at farmers' markets, €1.79-2.59 per kilo at supermarkets and €2.34-2.98 per kilo at greengrocers.
  • Cucumbers: 1.50 EUR/kg at farmers markets, 1.95 euro/kg in supermarkets and 3 euro/kg in greengrocers.
  • Eggplants: 1.40 EUR/kg at farmers' markets, 1.40 EUR/kg at supermarkets and 3.40-4 EUR/kg at greengrocers.

Market Hours (Agora Likes) in Athens

Vegetables and fruits are expensive because their quantities are limited. Traders and producers say the heat has scorched them.

Seasonal fruits do not get cheaper:

  • Peaches: 1.75-2.00 EUR per kilo at farmers' markets, 1.45-2.18 EUR in supermarkets and 3.30-3.90 EUR per kilo at greengrocers.
  • Grape: 2.50 EUR/kg at farmers' markets, 2.78-3 EUR in supermarkets and 2.40-4.30 EUR/kg in greengrocers.
  • Carrot: 0.90 EUR/kg at farmers' markets, 0.98 EUR in supermarkets and 2.15 EUR/kg in grocery stores.

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