September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

France closes sabotage case, pardons "intruder"

During the investigation, the Paris prosecutor's office found out who repeatedly damaged the fiber optic cable in the Olympic fan zone.

The “saboteur” turned out to be… a marten, which was discovered by surveillance cameras, reports BFMTV.

Over the past week, several damages to the fiber optic cable have been discovered in the Olympic fan zone near the Château de Vincennes, in the eastern suburbs of Paris on the edge of a large forest. First, on July 29, technicians noticed damage to the cable in eight different places. The next day, another damage appeared, and on August 3, another. The Paris prosecutor's office opened an investigation, suspecting deliberate sabotage. In connection with the closure of the case, the department said:

“After analyzing cable sections and CCTV footage, the actions under investigation were attributed to a marten and the case was closed due to no wrongdoing.”

Technicians have already laid a new cable, further away from its original location, hoping that the animal will run there less often and new incidents will be avoided.

Let us recall that two series were recorded in France during the Olympic Games sabotage incidents.

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