September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Israeli tourist robbed in Mykonos

The victim of the theft was a 31-year-old Israeli who was enjoying a holiday on the island of Mykonos with his friends.

The attacker, for whom it has not yet been established whether he was alone or had accomplices, entered the villa where the Israeli was staying with a group of friends, taking, among other things, a passport, cash in the amount of 15,000 euros, jewelry (watches, etc.).

The Israeli man said the theft took place between 8:00 pm on July 21 and 1:00 am on July 22, when he and his friends were away from the villa. In addition to €15,000, his passport and jewelry belonging to him and his friends were also stolen.

The police are investigating.


After a police operation to search for burglars, a tent was discovered in the rocks, where the thieves apparently spent the night (“slept”) from time to time, hiding the stolen goods nearby in the mountainous area. The Mykonos police department arrested a 32-year-old foreigner, against whom a criminal case has been opened on suspicion of participating in a gang that committed serious thefts. Three more people, accomplices of those arrested, are involved in the case.

In particular, according to Greek law enforcement agencies, the perpetrators formed a gang and each time, in different compositions, committed thefts in tourist facilities (rented villas, rooms, etc.), from where they stole money, valuables, clothing, watches and other personal items. The police managed to stop the gang's activities after a targeted operation.

The evidence found and the analysis of the case data revealed seven cases of theft of money and items, the value of which is estimated at more than 55,000 euros. A shotgun stolen in 2022 was found among the evidence.

The arrested person will be taken to the Syros First Instance Prosecutor's Office. Part of the stolen goods has been found. The belongings of the items to their owners have been established. ELA notes that the police services in the South Aegean have implemented an enhanced security and policing programme aimed at ensuring a stable and safe environment for citizens throughout the tourist season.

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