September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek Man Breaks All Records: How Many Traffic Fines He Managed to Get in a Week

Traffic police officers abroad do not joke with speed limits; Greek drivers feel it “on their own skin”.

Unfortunately, in Greece, speed limits are just decorative road signs for many drivers, especially since many fixed cameras have been taken out of service. As a result, they drive at high speeds, “not caring about anything”.

The exact opposite is happening in countries abroad where The competent authorities do not leave freedom of action to those who exceed the limits even by a few kilometersThe above is confirmed by a Greek, a permanent resident of the Netherlands, who found 4 notices from the traffic police service in his mailbox within a week.

A Greek driver knows exactly how the Dutch authorities operate when it comes to breaking the speed limit: they send a “bill” home within a week of being “caught” on the radar. He claims on social media that he has already paid 2,000 euros for minor infractions committed unintentionally. Just like with the last four notices he received.

Work is underway on the road from his home to the national road, and the authorities, as in similar cases, are reducing the speed to 70 km/h. The driver did not immediately realize this until he saw the first two notices, knowing that two more would come. In fact, they did not concern any flagrant violations of speed: the maximum excess of speed was only 16 km/h (from the maximum permitted limit on this section).

It is worth noting here that in In the Netherlands, authorities subtract 3 kilometers from the speed recorded by the camera as an error. The first notice was for exceeding the speed limit by 8 km/h with a fine of 78 euros, the second for exceeding the speed limit by 14 km/h with a fine of 191 euros. In the third case, the driver was caught exceeding the speed limit by 16 km/h, with the fine increasing to 217 euros, and in the fourth case, it was about exceeding the speed limit by only 4 km/h, with the Greek being forced to pay 43 euros.

Although the brave Hellinaras treats this with humor, saying that in an organized country has this side tooseveral comments under the video he posted say that Fines in foreign countries are more of a collection nature than an educational one.

In any case, we hope that the Greek driver will no longer have to find “pink letters of happiness” waiting for him in his mailbox.

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