September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gulf of Corinth is overrun with dolphins

Dozens of dolphins have once again appeared in the deep blue waters of Corinth, particularly in the Alkyonides Gulf, attracting the attention of residents and visitors to the city.

This is not the first time that dolphins have appeared in Loutraki: as is known, the sea here is home to various species of fish and four species of dolphins. As stated by Dr. Alexandros Francis on, on behalf of the scientific team of the Pelagos Cetological Research Institute, “the mixed society of Corinthian dolphins is unique in the world.”

Since 1995, the Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute has been conducting research there. dolphin research, which recently led to shocking discoveries. The Gulf of Corinth is home to the four most common species in the Mediterranean: the striped, common, gray and bottlenose dolphins. The dominant species is the bottlenose dolphin, a purely pelagic species found nowhere else in the world in a closed gulf (like the Gulf of Corinth). Together with the common and gray dolphins, they form a permanent a mixed school of dolphins. Such a permanent symbiosis has not been observed anywhere else in the world..

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