September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Summer Fruit Prices Soar Due to Heat

Watermelon and melon have become “luxury items” as demand for them surged during Greece's long heat wave.

The consumer has to pay a lot for seasonal fruits, even when the producer (supposedly) reduced the prices. For example, last year at this time, a watermelon cost 0.60 per kilogram. Now we find it at 0.90. Accordingly, melons cost 1 euro 20 cents a year ago. Now the price has reached 2.00 euros. At such prices, many consumers have already given up the luxury of buying a whole watermelon. Sometimes they have to buy not only half a watermelon, but 1/4. And this is because there is not enough money.

According to a study by IELKA (Institute for Research in Consumer Retailing), households are saving on everything to be able to meet the cost of living. Inflationary pressure has affected consumers' shopping and leisure habits. Consumers are even cutting back on food purchases, depending on the cost of the product.

As Athens News wrote earlier, this summer Only every second Greek will take a vacation due to increased expenses for tickets and accommodation. And those who decide to go outside the city for a vacation say that its duration will be shorter and with lower expenses.

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