September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Brutal beating of a girl in Chalkida

A 19-year-old girl was beaten with a stick by her ex-partner and will now have surgery.

In Chalkida on Sunday, July 7, a young woman was returning home when her ex-partner was waiting for her on the street. After an argument broke out, the 23-year-old man began to beat her until she fell to the ground. But even then he did not stop, continuing to hit her with a stick.

He then took the house keys and phone from his ex-lover, promising to publish her intimate photos on the Internet.

In the morning, the victim was rushed to the hospital in Chalkida, where she was interviewed by the police of the AT Chalkida, and then transferred to a hospital in Athens for the necessary operation. The perpetrator has not yet been found, writes CNN Greece.

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