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US condemns Iran's 'nuclear escalation' as new sanctions hit its oil sector

July 27, 2024 The United States once again condemned Iran's “nuclear escalation” and in response they announced sanctionsaimed at attacking the country's oil sector on the eve of the presidential elections in the Islamic Republic.

Today, June 28, Iranians are voting to replace late President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May.

Over the past month, Iran has announced steps aimed at further expanding its nuclear program that have no credible peaceful purpose.”said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a press release. “We remain committed to never allowing Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon and are prepared to use every element of national power to ensure that outcome.”

“The steps Iran has taken to increase its uranium enrichment capacity are even more alarming given Iran's continued failure to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and statements by “Iranian officials suggest that Iran's nuclear doctrine may be changing,” – he added.

The sanctions, adopted “in response to Tehran's nuclear escalation,” are aimed at three United Arab Emirates shipping companies that transported Iranian oil and petrochemical products, the press release said. The sanctions also target 11 vessels linked to the three companies, which become blocked goods. The three shipping companies in question are Sea Route Ship Management, Almanac Ship Management and Al Anchor Ship Management.

The IAEA recently stated that Iran continues to increase its nuclear capabilities, enriching uranium to a high level of 60% and continuing to accumulate large uranium reserves. The United States and Western powers fear Tehran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, which Iran denies.

Washington imposed economic sanctions on Tuesday against a parallel banking network linked to Iran's Islamic regime that seeks to circumvent sanctions and gain access to the international banking system. The sanctions mean the entities can no longer conduct financial transactions with the United States and their potential assets have been frozen.

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