July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Turkish professor: Earthquake hits Aegean rift, big one coming

Geologist Nasi Görür confirmed that a strong earthquake is expected.

Given that the wider Marmara region has one of the world's most historic earthquake records, the Turkish professor has raised serious concerns with his new claims.

Yesterday, a magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck off the coast of Gokceada district of Canakkale in the Aegean Sea. It was found to be at a depth of 15.3 kilometers. The warning issued by Nasi Görür on his social media account is as follows: “A shallow earthquake measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale occurred in the Aegean Sea. The earthquake occurred in the NAF fault zone in the Aegean Sea. We expect another earthquake in the continuation of this zone, inside the Sea of ​​Marmara. Tensions in the region remain“.

Geologist Nasi Görür repeated several times that Constantinople expects earthquake of magnitude 7.2, maximum 7.6, and names dangerous areas. Having stated that “these locked rifts will break through one day“, Görür expressed particular concern: “According to available data, the probability of an earthquake within 30 years, any time after 1999, is 47%“. The main points of Görür's statements from time to time are as follows:

  1. In Constantinople we expect a magnitude 7.2 earthquake with a maximum intensity of 7.6 on the Richter scale.
  2. We expect one of these earthquakes on the Adalar fault, and the other on the Kumburgaz fault.
  3. If these faults unite, the force can reach 7.5 points, but the Kumburgaz fault can cause an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 points.
  4. We warned about the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, but no one listened. Now we are afraid that history will repeat itself.
  5. Places near the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara will be subject to the greatest intensity of earthquakes, up to 9 points.

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