July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Watermelons and melons in short supply: farm-to-shelf prices rise up to 438%

Prices for watermelons and melons have become inaccessible to many consumers, they complain strongly about excessively high prices, which force them to either refuse to buy or buy half.

“We used to buy a whole watermelon. IN this year we are taking half because the price is too expensive“, one of the women said in an interview with a TV channel camera.

According to producers from Achaea, Watermelon leaves the field at a price of 0.20 to 0.25 euros. It comes to the central market of Athens at a price 0.55 euros, sold at the market for 0.80 euros, in supermarkets for 0.70 euros, and in grocery stores for 0.98 euros. This means that the price increase from the field is up to 390%.

An even greater discrepancy in prices from field to shelf is observed for melons. Specifically, they leave the field at a price of 0.50-0.55 euros per kilogram, arrive at the central market of Athens at a price of 1.20 euros, and are sold at the market for 1.68 euros, in the supermarket for 2.30 euros, and in the grocery store for 2.69 euros. This means that the markup from the field to the shelf in the store is up to 438%.

This year, watermelon has increased in price by 33.3% (per kilogram).

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