September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What is known about the native of Afghanistan who killed a policeman in Mannheim

From the immigration documents of Suleiman Atai, who last week killed a policeman in Mannheim, it became known that in 2013 he came to Germany from Afghanistan with his brother. They applied for asylum and began to learn German.

In 2013, Atai completed language courses with a B2 certificate, which indicated his “advanced level of language proficiency.” His asylum application was rejected, but he was still not deported due to his age. When he reached adulthood, his protected status inexplicably remained in effect.

Six years later being in an unknown place and doing unknown things Suleiman Atai got married, his wife has a German passport. The couple has two children, who are now two and three years old. According to BILD, Atai had a residence permit until 2026 and never came to the attention of the police. However, it is known that he actively distributed ISIS videos on the Internet, in which he was very interested in cutting off heads and terrorist attacks. The apotheosis occurred when Suleiman began uploading ISIS videos to YouTube.

Perhaps Atai was not deported from Germany after reaching adulthood because in July 2017, after several terrorist attacks in Kabul, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees suspended final decisions on granting asylum or deportation to Afghan citizens. No one cared that he himself supported ISIS.

According to people familiar with Suleiman Atai, he relatively recently grew a long beard. One of his neighbors told BILD that about a year ago, Atai's behavior changed dramatically – he stopped being “so nice and friendly.”

To the questions asked above it is worth adding the following glaring fact: the deceased policeman DEFENDED the radical from people trying to neutralize him. This is difficult for a normal person to understand, but in fact, German police captured a man who prevented a maniac from killing dozens of people. Meanwhile, this radical ran up to the policeman from behind and stabbed him in the neck. This despite the fact that at that moment there were already more than 10 police officers on the square.

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