September 22, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Robbery in Zakynthos: a businessman was shot and 15,000 euros were taken away

An ELAS investigation into an armed robbery on the island of Zakynthos is in full swing. It is known that at least two criminals took part in the robbery, who wounded and robbed a 49-year-old businessman near his house.

According to police sources, two criminals ambushed a man in the yard of his house in the village of Marineka. The victim had with him the daily proceeds from his restaurant, which, according to his testimony, amount to approximately 15,000 euros.

As soon as the man and his wife got out of the car, two armed robbers stopped them and demanded money, which they had with them. The businessman resisted and tried to fight off the robbers.

During the fight, one of the criminals shot the businessman in the thigh, fortunately without causing him serious injuries, and took the money.

The injured man was taken to the Zakynthos General Hospital, where he is being treated.

The Zakynthos Police Department has launched a search to find and arrest the robbers, while investigators collect security footage from the area’s CCTV cameras.

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