September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Iran did not receive the aid it asked for from the US

After the presidential helicopter crash, Iran turned to Washington for help.

About it, writes CNN Greece, a US administration official told CNN, without providing further details. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters:

“I won't go into detail, but the Iranian government asked us to help them.”

However, Miller noted that the US was unable to provide such assistance, “largely for logistical reasons.”

John Kirby, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, almost at the same time said at a briefing for journalists at the White House that Raisi “has blood on his hands” for supporting extremist organizations in the region and “he is responsible for gross violations of human rights in Iran.” .

Kirby added that the United States will continue to hold Iran responsible for destabilizing actions in the Middle East region. However, earlier Washington officially expressed condolences to Iran over the death of Raisi.

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