September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

German Greens call for a ban on yachts and private jets

The host of the show “Visiting Markus Lanz” on the German TV channel ZDF the day before invited representatives of youth movements from different parties – the CDU, SPD, FDP and the Greens – to the studio.

Federal Representative “Green Youth” 26-year-old Svenja Appun called on the German government to ban superyachts and private jets to “eliminate social injustice” Bild reports.

“I would say that a considerable part of society’s resources is wasted on nonsense. Given demographic changes, workers are better off finding other jobs than building private jets.” she said, calling yacht and jet owners “mad luxury consumers.” According to Appun, there is an alternative to banning the sale of yachts and private jets – it is to impose extremely high taxes on large businessmen.

“We need to make sure that we have enough money to buy a second private jet. [у крупных бизнесменов] there is none left at all. What kind of world do we live in? Many villages have a bus twice a day, while others have a private jet?” she continued.

Chairman of the Board “Union of Young Socialists and Socialists in the SPD” Philipp Thürmer supported Appun's words and called “turn 226 German billionaires into 226 millionaires.”

PS Well, I’m familiar with the ideas of taking away and dividing this world. As with the option to make billionaires millionaires. But for some reason such actions lead to sad results every time. But, apparently, socialists are no stranger to stepping on a rake.

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