September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: more than 60% of Smart car owners became victims of theft

The situation has reached a dead end, the car owners are in despair. More than half of older generation Smart (Smart – Swatch Mercedes Art) owners have become victims of theft.

The cost of spare parts and increased demand attract thieves who “scan” any car of this brand that comes into their field of vision. Thieves have even zeroed in on specific components, such as steering wheels and bumpers, that are in high demand on the used parts market. The steering wheel – because it wears out from age and especially from exposure to the sun, and the bumper, as you understand, suffers from collisions.

The particular preference of Greek thieves for older generation smart cars is no coincidence. The used parts market is thriving because demand is high, while new production of these models is limited and expensive.

Steering wheels, bumpers and other parts from Smart are relatively easy to remove and sell, making them targets for thieves. The situation has worsened due to the growing popularity of these cars in many European countries, including Greece. Genuine Smart parts can fetch high prices, especially if they are in good condition. For example, a Smart steering wheel can be sold for 400 euros. Practical advice for Smart owners:

  1. An effective alarm system can deter thieves.
  2. Anti-theft steering grips and other devices can make theft more difficult.
  3. Safe Parking: Park in well-lit and busy areas or, if possible, in a closed garage.
  4. Consider insuring your vehicle's parts.

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