September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The mayor doused the gypsies directly from a water cannon

In the last few days, a video from Perama has been circulating on the Internet, in which the mayor of the city, Yiannis Lagoudakos, argues with a gypsy family, and then pours water on them from the municipal tank.

The post is accompanied by the caption: “Elimination of unsanitary conditions.” The mayor of the city admonishes a family of gypsies who have set up a camp in a certain part of the city and freely settled down right under the trees, where they laid out their simple belongings.

In the same video from Perama, posted by the mayor himself on his personal Instagram account, Mr Lagoudakos can be heard saying: “Give me the hose here,” and a woman responding: “What if my children get hurt?”

“If you interfere, you will go to jail!” the mayor of Perama shouts angrily in the video footage. And he adds: “I will tell you what the babies will suffer from. The kids will end up in a shelter, and you will end up behind bars. This barn (nods towards the tent) is not for babies, but for pigs. So it’s not far from cholera…”

After the tirade, the mayor directed a stream of water directly at the “gypsy camp.”

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