The shooting incident took place on Sunday morning (August 9) near an entertainment centre on Lassanis Street in Peristeri. According...
A Greek police report says 84% of Greek citizens involved in robberies and thefts in 2021 were Roma. One could,...
In the last few days, a video from Perama has been circulating on the Internet, in which the mayor of...
Fierce “showdowns” took place in the Roma settlement of Nea Kios (Argolis). According to, the incident occurred shortly before...
The real horror was experienced by a female driver on Friday afternoon at 16:40. Leaving the Egaleo area and heading...
The situation with the Roma riot following the death of a 17-year-old teenager who was shot dead by a policeman...
Events reminiscent of scenes from action movies about the "Wild West" unfolded on Wednesday morning September 6 in the Nea...
The gypsy robber, who in recent months has inspired fear and horror in the elderly, as he "broke" into houses...
At noon on Tuesday 24 January, a group of Roma minors snatched a bag from the car of a woman...
In Patras, a gypsy was forced to carol on his knees and, continuing to mock him, they set him on...
The 34-year-old police officer of the ΔΙΑΣ emergency response group was released on the condition of not leaving the country...
The investigator is considering new materials in the case of Kostas Fragulis being fatally wounded by a policeman during a...