September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

19 secrets that working retirees need to know

The number of working pensioners is expected to reach 100,000 by the end of 2024, as 75,000 have already applied to EFKA.

It should be noted that working pensioners are entitled to a pension increase of 0.77% for each year of payment of additional contributions.

19 secrets to finding a job after retirement:

  1. What the person responsible must do: submit a “Declaration of Employment for Pensioners” on the E-EFKA website.
  2. How to declare joint work with several employers: for employment in the same capacity (employee, self-employed, etc.), it is enough to submit a declaration for the period of time during which the pensioner is usually employed, regardless of the number of employers.
  3. Termination of employment: declared via online service
  4. Working pensioner and large family: are exempt from paying a 10 percent contribution to the National Social Insurance Fund if we are talking about a mentally retarded person and a large family in which at least one of the children is a minor or is studying in higher or secondary educational institutions, and until they reach the age of 24.
  5. When applying for an old-age labor pension by mistake while working: It is recommended to submit an application for termination of employment on the same day on which the date of commencement of work on this application was registered and to submit a new application with the correct information.
  6. e-EFKA resource: the resource paid from 01/01/2024 is a non-refundable amount in favor of e-EFKA and is not used to increase the amount of the pension. The following are excluded from the payment: people with mental disabilities, etc., recipients of non-institutional benefits or corresponding benefits, people with many children, disability pensioners, etc.
  7. Fines: Failure to submit a declaration entails a fine of 12 monthly pensions (main and auxiliary).
  8. Fifteen years of work before and after retirement: Those who were already engaged in unpaid activity as a pensioner before 01/03/2024 or who worked from 01/01/2024 and ceased it before 01/03/2024 must submit an application within 4 months (by 06/30/2024), a declaration of employment in online service.
  9. Employment of widowed pensioners: excluded from EFKA's 10% fund. However, old age pensioners are not excluded.
  10. Disability pensioners who are and continue to be self-employed: they must declare their work, even if they are disability pensioners, and claim exemption from resource payments.
  11. Regional State Administration pensioner who continues to work as a farmer: as a Regional State Administration pensioner, he is exempt from paying contributions and resources, but is required to declare employment and its type, start date and reason for exemption from paying contributions and resources.
  12. State pensioner with income from agricultural activities: he is obliged to declare on the employment platform the reason for possible release as a farmer, beekeeper, livestock breeder, poultry farmer or fisherman, the amount of which does not exceed 10,000 euros per year.
  13. A pensioner working as an individual entrepreneur pays: to the e-EFKA fund, which represents 50% of the insurance category of the main insurance to which it belongs and is calculated as a contribution from the pension sector. In cases where the insured is also included in additional insurance, the paid resource is 40% of the insurance category of the main insurance to which he belongs, and 40% of the insurance category of the auxiliary insurance to which he belongs.
  14. Information about the resource for the self-employed: with a monthly notification of payment of insurance premiums, which will also indicate the amount of the resource in favor of e-EFKA.
  15. A pensioner under the age of 62 working in a government agency: in this case pension payment is suspendedand the employee is not required to pay contributions.
  16. Self-employed pensioner ΕΦΚΑ who does not pay contributions: overdue contributions are confirmed in the KEAO (Insurance Debt Collection Center) and then deducted from the amount of the paid pension (main and auxiliary) and within the amount of the debt.
  17. Pensioner IKAreceiving ergosimo: in addition to the contributions withheld (10%) upon redemption of the ergosimo and any remaining due amount of contributions that arises as a result of the annual liquidation, the e-EFKA fund in the amount of 10% of the salary value in the year of employment.
  18. Voluntarily retired from the former ΕΤΑΑ-ΤΑΝ as a lawyer who continues to work as a freelancer: amounts for preliminary collections by the Board of Directors (College of Advocates) are taken into account, as well as amounts transferred to e-EFKA are counted towards the amount of the resource due.
  19. Pensioner working for hire and as an individual entrepreneur (self-employed): the premium is paid separately for each type of activity subject to insurance. Thus, when determining the amount of the contribution, the insurance of a self-employed person is carried out separately and the amount paid as a contribution for paid work is not taken into account. Considering that in cases of parallel employment and self-employment a registration procedure is carried out, the amount of the required contribution will be determined and declared upon completion of the registration procedure.

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