September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kos: “He was playing with his brother and hit himself, so he had bruises,” says the grandmother of the deceased baby

The grandmother of a one-year-old girl who died in Kos said the bruises on his body were from blows inflicted by her 2-year-old brother and that her parents never hit her. However, according to police, the mother was a victim of domestic violence in the past, and the father was prosecuted for pornography.

Chronicle of the tragedy

It all started on Saturday 20/4, shortly before 20:00, when a mother realized her child was unconscious and called an ambulance. She arrived at 20:25, seven minutes later the one-year-old girl was taken to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead at a quarter to nine.

“When the doctor came out of the emergency room, she screamed for someone to bring a defibrillator. The mother was seven months pregnant, she said that she fed the baby chips and put her to bed, but she doesn’t know what exactly happened.”– said an eyewitness.

Meanwhile, a local media reporter reported that he met the mother at the island hospital and shared his impressions of the interaction. According to the reporter, the baby's mother was shocked and said: “my baby is dead.” Doctors at the hospital on Kos performed artificial respiration on the baby for some time, but this did not help save his life.

What did the forensic examination show?

The coroner who examined the baby in Rhodes found no signs of sexual abuse. He concluded that death was due to suffocation due to indigestion, and the abrasions he suffered were probably caused by previous blows. Indeed, the parents in custody tried to explain the marks on the baby's body, pointing out that they were the result of blows from his two-year-old brother.

The baby's father has been arrested several times in the past on charges of grand theft, robbery, rape, child pornography and drug charges. For this reason, authorities confiscated my father's mobile phone and computer. During the investigation, it turned out that traces of child pornography were found on the phone.

“We saw her with bruises”

The couple's neighbors, in a conversation with MEGA, said that they saw the 20-year-old mother covered in bruises, and that the couple had quarreled several times. “Her husband abused her. Sometimes we saw her around, and she herself had a few bruises, marks that she didn't justify.” – said one of the eyewitnesses.

“They had problems, I saw the girl being beaten many times. So, whether she beat her or not, I don’t know. I didn’t see them together all the time. I saw the girl more often,” – said the couple's neighbor.

The 21-year-old father and mother of the unfortunate baby have been charged with beating a child causing death and will testify to a prosecutor's office investigator on Monday.

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