September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

An elephant in Johannesburg lifted a bus full of tourists with its tusks (video)

An elephant attacked a bus carrying tourists on a safari in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The animal terrorized a group of tourists in a national park, repeatedly lifting the bus they were traveling in with its tusks. When the elephant approached and attacked for the first time, the people screamed in horror, calling for help, tells CNN Greece.

However, the driver and guide tried in vain to shoo away the animal, which for some reason saw the vehicle as a threat and continued the attack, lifting the bus. Eventually the elephant retreated and moved to a safe distance.

Elephant attacks like these are not uncommon. A similar incident, for example, occurred two years ago. All that remains is to sympathize with tourists who are experiencing not the most pleasant moments in their lives.

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