September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Molotov cocktails outside the parliament building. Riots at OSE

The disturbance occurred shortly after 2pm at Syntagma as part of a 24-hour strike called by ADEDY, the Athens Labor Centre, PAME, labor centres, private and public sector federations to mark the one-year anniversary of the Tempe train accident that killed 57 people.

15,000 demonstrators gathered on the Propylaea, heading towards the Hellenic Train offices, 2,000 demonstrators on Hautia and 3,500 on Klatmonos Square. Police made four arrests on Akadimias and Vukourestiou streets after Molotov cocktails were found in the suspects’ backpacks.

Similar riots are now happening near the office O.S.E..

Minor incidents occurred near the OSE building in Thessalonikiwhere a massive procession arrived at around 1:00 p.m. to mark the completion of the anniversary of the Tempie train accident.

It all started when a group of demonstrators in front of the OSE building entered into a confrontation with the police. They began throwing fireworks and Molotov cocktails, and the police responded with tear gas and flash-bang grenades.

On the way from Monastirio, these people set fire to garbage containers, setting up makeshift barricades. A fire brigade is on the scene trying to put them out.

It is noted that the march is currently continuing along the Egnatia road in an easterly direction.

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