September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chip in the brain: the first volunteer learned to control a computer mouse with the power of thought

As Neuralink founder Elon Musk said, the first person to have a chip implanted in his brain has fully recovered and can control a computer mouse with his thoughts.

“Progress is good and the patient appears to have made a full recovery without any side effects. The patient can move the mouse around the screen just by thinking,” Musk told Platform X.

He also said that Neuralink is now trying to get as many “likes” as possible from the first volunteer to experience the “joy of recovery” and gain the ability to communicate (previously lost forever).

Let us remind you that in September last year the company received permission to the beginning of implantation of chips in people, and in January 2024 the first operation took place. According to Neuralink, during the operation the robot places a microchip in the area of ​​the brain that controls the intention to move. The initial goal is that people who have had surgery could control a computer mouse or keyboard with their thoughts.

Musk has big ambitions for Neuralink, saying chipping the human brain could help treat obesity, autism, depression and schizophrenia.

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