September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The media attacked the Old Believers, blaming them for everything "mortal sins".

The 45-year-old head of the Old Believers community living in the mountains of Corinthia was taken to the prosecutor today. Meanwhile, the media attacked the community with accusations, ranging from accusations of incest to the head of the family, ending with pathetic questions: “What money do they live on?”

Family members try to fight off the attacks and ask to be left alone.

Today, the mainstream Greek media came out with headlines about the possibility of incest in the community. Authorities are reportedly considering this scenario based on the evidence currently available. It is noteworthy that statements about incest were made before any checks or presentation of evidence – only on the basis of thoughts about “why is a 22-year-old pregnant and why don’t they want to tell us who she’s pregnant with?”. That is, the level of market gossip. It would seem that the police should monitor such information, since it violates the laws on personal information verified in 2018, but who will comply with them…

Details about how they discovered a family of Old Believers living in a cave, was previously described in detail in the Athens News article.

Let us remind you that on Sunday, the police found and was able to detain only the father of the family and his 15-year-old son. The mother and the rest of the family, that is, three children, according to him, disappeared and, according to the head of the family, “are in a safer place.” To find them, a search is underway, for which detectives and large police forces have been invited from Athens.

Greek media are actively promoting the topic raised by the police, who considers the possibility of incest within this family. The authorities’ suspicions began to exist from the moment they inquired who is the father of the child of the couple’s 22-year-old daughter. Nobody gave an answer. It is noted, however, that a 19-year-old woman from Arta, also an Old Believer, also lives in the community and is also pregnant.

“The prosecutor asked to check the children. Yesterday they spent the night at their relatives’ house. Charges have been brought against parents who exposed their children to danger. These are illegal actions that are in the nature of a “minor offense.” The couple’s adult daughter is pregnant and has not revealed who the father of her child is. The police demanded a DNA test. We don’t know if incest is taking place, it needs to be investigated,” Georgios Kalliakmanis, head of the South-East Attica Police Department, said on MEGA.

The journalists’ camera was taken away and they pushed them out of the house. The journalists were offended…

Journalists, showing videos from private homes, continue to convince viewers that they can do this without the consent of the owners and are offended that the camera was taken away from them…

Journalist Lazos Mantikos, together with the ANT1 film crew, arrived in Corinthia, in particular in the “hole” – as the state television channel called the place where the Old Believers lived, in order to make a report. At that moment, when the journalist was on the air of the Good Morning program and transmitting a report to Georgios Liagas, the film crew was “attacked” by a man who, according to the journalist, is a family member.

“We’re okay, the man took our camera. He put it in the hole, but we don’t want to go there because it’s a private place. It would be nice for the gentleman to give the camera back because the cameraman is also doing his job.” – said Lazos Mantikos.

The main question for the residents of Greece (at least versions of system TV channels) became where did the community get the money?

Everyone was interested in where the family of old Christians from Corinthia found money, because they went to the supermarket and pharmacies.

The issue was resolved in a report by the same state TV channel ANT1, since, according to the Morning program, the father of the family works remotely in the municipality… Eretria-Amarinthos, where he was transferred from another municipality and even via the Internet. That is, he receives money from the other side of Greece! (Is this a crime?)

“Yes, I was informed. He was indeed working remotely and transferred to the local municipality for health reasons. I sent this gentleman a letter asking him to report by January 16. He has been an employee of the municipality since November 1, 2020.”said the mayor of Eretria, Nicholas Gurnis.

As he said in a conversation with, “we are talking about a person who was found here by my own municipal authorities. He is a permanent cleaning worker who was transferred here from Heliopolis for health reasons, in particular due to mobility problems. I took office on January 2, so it was logical and it is natural to try to restore order in our municipality”Mr. Gurnis said.

“We called him to identify himself, picked up the phone. He didn’t answer. We sent another document asking for the same thing. We called him to a disciplinary hearing, because, as you understand, you can’t fire a government employee, “how is it done in the private sector. There must be a certain procedure. The call was made on February 18 and he has five working days to do it,” – Mr. Gurnis added.

Journalists immediately concluded that the head of the community “did not work and received a monthly salary in order to lead the ascetic lifestyle of the father of the family, who, according to evidence, came shopping with bundles of thousands of euros”? (Interestingly, rumors have already become an official source of information for state television channels?). Apparently the mayor got scared and decided to fire the Old Believer.

Hermits from Corinthia: “Leave us alone, we want peace”

“Leave us alone, we want peace,” say the children of the Old Believer community who settled in the mountains near Corinth. These children fully accept what their father told them, even if they baptize them as the churches insist.

The answers they give are confusing, even though they say they are siblings. “Between us, we are all brothers,” said the father of the family, who turned to the prosecutor and asked to set a deadline for testifying on Wednesday, MEGA said.

“I finished primary school, I love reading books”, – another member of the community will say. One of the children explained why he attacked the police. “Leave us alone” – the children insist, pointing out that where they live there are no other children to play with, but this is how they grew up.

What the community leader’s sister says

In turn, the sister of the father of the family, speaking to T-Live on the Alpha channel, claimed that she constantly communicates with the family. However, she does not know their living conditions, since she never visited their refuge in Corinthia. He even said that before working in the public sector, he was a music teacher.

“I heard about it on TV, I came down from the clouds and am worried about my brother, sister-in-law and nephews,” – the sister of the head of the community told Alpha.

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