September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Massacre in Glyfada: the weapon used by the Egyptian – how D. Carnesi escaped

24 hours after the massacre that occurred on Monday morning (12/2) at the Carnesi family shipping company in Glyfada, which resulted in the “liquidation” of most of the company, a photograph of the weapon used by the Egyptian shooter has been published. This is a short-barreled shotgun.


The thriller began around 10 o’clock when a 76-year-old Egyptian sneaked into the shipping company’s office, armed with a shotgun and a pistol, and targeted first Despina Carnesi and then the others.

Three people died as a result of the shootout:the owner of the shipping company, Maria Carnesi, the general director of the company, Antonis Vlasakis, who was married to Maria Carnesi’s sister Despina Carnesi, and former captain Elias Koukularis, who most recently worked in the company’s accounting department.

Despina Carnesi was his main target. The sister of shipowner Spyros Karnezis is perhaps the most tragic figure in this massacre, as she lost a sister and a husband. Her attacker changed her entire life in a matter of seconds. Despina Carnesi, in a state of shock after the deadly attack, stood outside her company office, trying to comprehend what had happened.


Maria Carnesi, sister of Antonis Vlasakis’s wife


CEO of the shipping company Antonis Vlassakis

She managed to escape: At the time of the attack, she was away from the office, heard shots and managed to run out of the building. The 76-year-old reportedly frantically searched for her, intending to kill her as he believed she was responsible for his dismissal. It is reported that the shooter searched throughout the building, after which he pointed the weapon at himself and pulled the trigger…

“He was ready to kill”

Speaking on a television program, Stavros Balaskas tried to describe the motive for the murder. The 76-year-old’s dismissal and the rejection he felt acted as a catalyst and led to the Glyfada massacre. “He had a gun with him and was ready to kill. This family quarreled a year and a half ago, they had a big financial dispute. The Egyptian was a close person to Maria and Despina Carnesi. They wanted to get him out of their way. At first they offered him to guard the villa in Petalios, but he refused. They gave him a place to live, but gradually kicked him out completely. He was discharged at the age of 76. It was a hurtful refusal, because he had served this family almost all his life. He couldn’t accept it. His whole life was spent in this family, and then he was thrown away like an unnecessary thing,” – he noted.

“Unfortunately, in societies where institutions are weak, people often feel the need to impose their own justice when they are wronged. This act was pre-planned.” – said psychologist Stella Argyriu, in turn.

The Karnezis family issued a statement following the Glyfada massacre, which killed Maria, brother-in-law Antonis, partner and former captain Elias Koukoularis. Businessman Spyros Karnezis says he is devastated by the tragic event that has befallen his family and asks that they avoid any association with any other case – a strange statement as his sisters are in a legal battle with him, as is his brother-in-law.

Egyptian man who gunned down shipping company executives in Glyfada commits suicide

The moment of storming the building. By this time the shooter had already committed suicide

Two of them are now dead. The statement says the following:

“My family and I are deeply saddened by the tragic and unexpected event that befell our family and resulted in the death of my sister Maria, my brother-in-law Antonis Vlassakis and our partner Elias Koukularis. The unspeakable sadness of these moments demands the utmost respect for the pain and grief of our families. Please avoid any association with any other case.”

The shotgun may have belonged to the Carnesi family

The shotgun that served as the murder weapon may have belonged to to the Carnesi family, as well as the gun that was in the hands of El Burai. With a lawsuit that took place several years ago between the two Carnesi brothers and brother-in-law Antonis Carnesi, with total assets valued at at least $1 billion, police are also looking into other motives that led to the bloody incident.

In a 63-page lawsuit filed on February 1, 2023 at the Piraeus Court of First Instance, the brothers accuse Antonis Carnesi of “withdrew $325.5 million from joint accounts, transferred it to a company owned only by him and embezzled it.” This was money that had accumulated in the joint “basket” of retained earnings from the shipping business.

The shipowner’s two sisters and brother-in-law claim that, based on their partnership interests under a private agreement, they own approximately $175 million in “disputed” cash assets. The share they demand to be returned to them includes the proportionate undistributed dividends.

In addition, out-of-court settlements were exchanged between the warring family members, and Spyros Karnezis claims that “all the assets belong to him, and the other party is his employees, whom he simply used for his own interests”…

After the sale of 9 tankers with a total value of 61.3 million euros, the shipping group until recently had 19 vessels. The offices of the management company where the attack took place employ 45 people and employ 350 sailors.

In addition to shipping, the total assets include real estate and other corporate holdings, which are likely to face another round of litigation, according to the multipage lawsuit. However, one of the participants in the dispute is already dead, which means that the situation has already begun to change…

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