September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vinnik’s mother asks the Greek government to return the father to orphaned children

Russian Alexander Vinnik, who is in France after being detained and extradited by the Greek authorities at an international request, is now facing extradition to the United States – there are too many questions for him. His mother came to Greece and begs the authorities to return her son to Russia.

Understands the situation RIA News, reporting the latest details of the sensational case.

The children of Alexander Vinnik have not seen their father for 4 years. During this time, last November, their mother passed away and they became orphaned. Their grandmother and Russian mother, Vera Vinnik, came to Greece in the hope of finding an opportunity to return her son to Russia:

“I requested a meeting with the Minister of Justice in order to submit a petition to him to cancel his decision to extradite Sasha to America due to the change in conditions. Sasha’s wife died, two children were left alone. I want to ask on behalf of the children, from your name, make a human decision. “

Vinnik was detained in Greece, where he came on vacation in the summer of 2017, at the request of the United States. There he is accused of various cryptocurrency fraud. According to the investigation, the Russian founded the BTC-e online exchange, with the help of which he was able to legalize about $ 4 billion.

After his arrest, the decision to imprison Vinnik was also made by the Russian capital’s court in the case of disrupting the supply of equipment to a private company. After that, Moscow demanded to extradite Vinnik to Russia. The following year, Russia again requested his extradition, this time in a cybercrime and money-laundering case. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it had received a statement from Vinnik with a confessionary testimony.

With the same stubbornness, France also sought Vinnik’s extradition. There, along with money laundering through BTC-e, he was charged with involvement in the distribution of the Locky ransomware program. As a result, Greece decided to hand over the detainee to France.

During the investigation, carried out by French law enforcement officers, it was established that millions of dollars were transferred to Vinnik Vamnedam’s account on the BTC-e exchange. They were translated for restoring access to files that were encrypted by the Locky ransomware. Vinnik is called the co-founder of the exchange, and Alexei Bilyuchenko, who testified in Russia, is his partner. According to the BBC, after the arrest of Vinnik and the suspension of the work of BTC-e, Bilyuchenko was going to transfer the money received from the users of the exchange “to the fund of the FSB of Russia.”

Vinnik insisted that he only advised the administrators of the BTC-e exchange and was in no way connected with its owners. The defense considers the case politically motivated and has repeatedly stated that Vinnik was the victim of a confrontation between Russia and the United States. According to Vinnik’s mother, the absurdity of the charges was proven in court in France:

“Sasha was in France after they filed an appeal, because they were acquitted on almost all counts. There is one insignificant one. Both the judges and everyone know that this is a fake, this is not true, but the judges could not fully acquit him, otherwise one would have to apologize to they took so many years of their life for being held in prison, and no judge admits that.
And now I want to ask the Minister of Justice of Greece. The lives of children who are left without a mother are at stake. After all, my mother was taken away, she was simply killed by this tragedy that happened in Greece. My daughter-in-law fell ill against the background of this tragedy, she had brain cancer. We fought as best we could, but we could not do anything, absolutely nothing. The children are now alone. They took away the mother and took away the father. Is it humane ?.

I would not be offended if my son was to blame. But when my daughter-in-law was killed, and I can’t find another word, it’s unbearable. You cannot imagine the pain when you close your child’s eyes. It hurts from the injustice, from the lawlessness that is being done to my son. Not a single European law applies to Russians, they say that “these laws do not work for you.” I appeal to the whole world: people, how can you do this with people? How can you do this with children? “

A desperate mother says that the children have gone through a lot over the past four years:

“It was a tragedy for them when their father was arrested in front of their eyes, when they sat on the beach for eight hours and were afraid to go to the room. Then they saw how their mother got sick, how she changed all the time, how she was in pain. Children are all this Now the children are in a serious psychological state. Now it is terribly difficult. They often began to get sick, and now they get sick. They, huddled in a corner, cry constantly. I want to appeal to the Greek government, to the Prime Minister of Greece, to the President of Greece, to Minister of Justice – please do not make the children orphans, return the father to the children. Please! You took away the mother from my grandchildren, so do not take my father away, do not make them orphans. “

The woman does not know if her meeting with the Minister of Justice will take place – there is no certainty yet. She would also like to meet and ask for the assistance of the Ombudsman: “We are not dealing with this tragedy now.”

Information technology specialist Alexander Vinnik is to be released from a French prison on August 21 and then extradited to Greece. The release is due to the fact that on 19 charges that were brought against him, Vinnik was acquitted. And the rest is considered not even a crime, but a misdemeanor – money laundering as part of an organized group. Of the sentence imposed by the court, 5 years in prison, the Russian has already served 4 years and, thus, has the right to early release. However, in 2019, the Greek Minister of Justice decided to extradite Vinnik one by one: to France, the United States and Russia. Vera Vinnik says:

“He will be released from a French prison on August 20 or 21, 2021, after a month and a half. He was given papers about this. But he will be brought to Greece. He will be extradited to Greece, and the same nightmare will begin. They will start taking him to all the prisons, they will start breaking again. Although neither on the territory of Greece, nor on the territory of France, in which he had never been (before extradition), nor on the territory of America, which constituted all this nonsense with accusations, he did not commit illegal acts. relationship, and he told me that he never did anything illegal. “

Nevertheless, after his release from a French prison, Russian Alexander Vinnik will be returned to Greece.

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