September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messina: “marriage” and the birth of young children by homosexuals are rejected by Orthodoxy

Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia spoke out today against the legalization of marriage and adoption of children by LGBT couples, saying in an interview with SKY: “This is unacceptable for us.”

“We are not against those who choose this way of life or even live the way they think. But for the Church this is unacceptable.”, – he said. However, when asked about the children of these couples, he made it clear that “no one can be excluded from the sacrament of baptism.”

“The problem of the Church is not to take revenge on those who choose this form of marriage. The problem of the Church is that it cannot accept this form of relationship, marital relationship outside of traditional marriage.” According to him, “The problem is that a new model of society and family is being put forward,” he notes that “an attempt is being made to technically legitimize such a model, for which we cannot yet know what its consequences will be in the depths of society.”

“Every day we see around us people who take drugs, every day we see around us people who commit violence, every day we see around us people who drink. Should we make this a model of life?” – he asked.

The Metropolitan of Messinia also mentioned SYRIZA’s intention to again put forward Tsipras’ proposal on the separation of church and state.

He recommended “Mr. Kasselakis should not be so cavalier because he does not know that this agreement of Mr. Tsipras was annulled by the hierarchy in 2018 and 2019, and the regulation of clergy salaries is now regulated by the Kerameos law.” “Mr Kasselakis must be careful with his words so as not to betray his incompetence, and I would say that Mr Famelos, who is an experienced politician, should help him with this.”

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