September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Christmas in Thessaloniki: crowds of people went for a walk in the city center

Sunny weather and temperatures reaching +14°C in Thessaloniki are very reminiscent of Easter, despite the fact that it is Christmas.

This morning, residents and guests of the northern capital of Greece, taking advantage of the good day, decided to take a morning walk around the city center. People walked along the embankment and went down to the sea (like the Athenians), and also visited the “Christmas villages” and fairs organized in the city.

According to thesstoday, an increase in traffic is being seen at the Christmas Village, where young and old have the opportunity to play games and sample lavish treats and delicacies.

A similar image is that of Aristotle Square, where families and groups of young people stop to take photos in front of the Christmas decorations.

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