May 12, 2024

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Such healthy mushrooms

Researchers from the National University of Singapore found that eating mushrooms more than twice a week could potentially reduce the likelihood of developing dementia (senile dementia) by 50%.

Scientists monitored the lifestyle and diet of 663 Chinese people over 60 years of age. Over a 6-year period, they found a link between mushroom consumption and the preservation of cognitive brain function in old age.

About 9 out of 100 people who consumed more than 2 servings of mushrooms per week were diagnosed with mild mental impairment. By comparison, 19 out of 100 who ate less than one serving per week had the condition.

The researchers noted that the data supports the potential role of fungi and bioactive compounds in slowing the death of brain neurons. Researcher Irwin Cheah said the reduced incidence of mild mental disorders in those who consumed the mushrooms may be due to the substance ergothioneine. This is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance that humans cannot synthesize on their own. The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Mushroom is a food of high nutritional value, rich in proteins and antioxidants. Approximately 100g has only 22 calories. The reduced calorie content is due to the fact that 95% of the weight consists of water, while the mushroom contains very little fat and carbohydrates. Mushrooms are a staple food for vegetarians who lack animal protein in their diet. Mushrooms can also replace meat during a diet, since the proteins they contain have high biological value. Protein is essential for tissue maintenance, growth and repair.

Mushrooms are considered healthy foods. Their composition is enriched with minerals and vitamins, especially group B. In addition, they contain large amounts of iron, potassium and iodine. Eating them enriches the body and promotes the formation of enzymes, hormones, antibodies, nucleic acids and other things. Mushrooms are rich in lysine, an amino acid that is lacking in grains. So, for example, combining rice or spaghetti with mushrooms, we get a dish with a high protein content.

Vegetarians should note that the combination complete animal protein With protein of plant origin leads to improvement total biological value of protein. Thus, risotto with mushrooms and a small amount of yogurt or pasta with sauce and cheese is a dish with protein, the biological value of which is almost equal to meat.

According to research, mushrooms contain substances that help prevent and treat serious diseases. Research has shown that:

  • Mushrooms help prevent colon cancer.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2), found in mushrooms, may reduce the frequency of headaches in people who suffer from migraines.
  • Foods rich in niacin (vitamin B3) protect against Alzheimer’s disease as well as other age-related memory problems.

According to data published in the International Journal of Cancer, women who eat a lot of mushrooms and drink green tea are more likely to are less at risk of developing breast cancer. According to an article published in the British Medical Journal, dietary intake of folic acid (found in green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, nuts and legumes) can reduce the risk of heart disease by 16% and stroke by 24%. Recent research in the United States has shown that even the well-known mushrooms, champignons, grown in greenhouses and purchased in supermarkets or other places, may play a role in the prevention or treatment of breast cancer. It was discovered that the substance contained in the mentioned fungus is capable of suppressing the proliferation of mammary gland cells in cultures. This substance (classified as an aromatase inhibitor) reduces estrogen levels, which is a factor contributing to the development of breast cancer.

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