September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Agrinio: priest’s arrest for pedophilia and child pornography sparks riots

The arrest of a priest for pedophilia and possession of child pornography material has caused outrage and disgust in the local community of Agrinio.

The arrest of the 49-year-old priest followed the police filing of two sisters. The first, who is now 27 years old, complained that in 2007 a priest had sexual intercourse with her when she was 13 years old. Her sister reported that she was also sexually harassed by him.

After filing a complaint, law enforcement agencies began to search the priest’s house and found in his laptop photographs of himself and two naked girls while they were still underage. After that, the man was immediately arrested.

According to local media reports, the girls lived with their mother for some time in the priest’s house for financial reasons.

One of the two young women said in a statement that her sexual harassment began when the priest, who is also her uncle, “became very close to her mother when she had personal problems.”

As she confesses today, “we went to their house almost every day. The priest told my mother stories about religion, various saints and metaphysicians. He told her that we were bewitched and that only he could save us. Mom was shaking with fear, he manipulated her 100%. Therefore, she decided that this priest should guide me in my life “… The priest began to save the girls from witchcraft in a very peculiar way, with the help of sex … Announcement of the diocese:

Regarding the riots that arose in the local community of Agrinio after the arrest of the priest by the police. Today, Thursday, June 24, 2021, we announce that, by order of His Eminence, Metropolitan of Aetolia and Acarnania, Mr. Kosmas, the priest has been excommunicated for an indefinite period.

The defrocked archimandrite poured sulfuric acid on the members of the court who had condemned him.

On Tuesday, during the trial in the drug use and distribution case, the defendant, 37-year-old Archimandrite Theophylact Kombos, belonging to the Diocese of Veria, poured 2 bottles of sulfuric acid on the members of the court and employees of the synod… 11 people were injured – 7 metropolitans, a policeman and 2 employees of the synod.

The former priest, by decision of the prosecutor, was sent to psychiatric examination

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