September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mandra: new fires. Explosions from ammunition

For the third day in a row, firefighters are fighting flames at several fire sites such as Nea Peramos, Attica, Dervenochoria and Rhodes. At least 10 explosions were recorded in the vicinity of Mandra.

So, in the first region, an order was given to evacuate the inhabitants of Megara, and in the second there is a danger that the fire could spread to Parnita.

Similar problems are observed in Mandra, where, according to the latest information, continuous explosions are heard. Police forces are working at the scene, among other things, trying to convince the residents of the area to leave. More than 10 explosions have been reported in the past few hours, leaving the fire brigade fearful of the outcome of the blaze.

Journalist Demos Veroukios, speaking of the continuous explosions recorded some time ago in the fire front of Nea Peramos, which spread to Mandru, noted that they come from abandoned ammunition from the Second World War.

“Because this is my area and I grew up in this area, I used to walk around here and I know it well. The explosions we hear are mostly abandoned munitions from World War II and also from the Civil War. There were there have been heavy clashes after the war, and it’s a very painful story. These explosions come mainly from WWII-era carryover, abandoned munitions.”

The fire brigade, consisting of 120 firefighters, with four teams of volunteers and 43 vehicles, fought the blaze through the night and continues to act, together with air assets, to immediately deal with the source of fires that appear on a daily basis and protect residential areas. Their work is supported by sapper equipment of the army and local governments, water carriers and volunteers.

In the early morning a big fire started in Dervenochoriacame very close to the refinery motor oil, just 400 meters above the National Road. Although the facility is not in danger, firefighters are fighting to keep the fire from approaching the National Highway, according to the latest information. There are 4 firefighting aircraft operating in Dervenochoria.

IN Megare while the situation was under control all night, at the Cantili training ground, south of Mount Patera, the wind increased after 5 am and what had been scattered outbreaks in the previous hours turned into strong fronts of fire in a few minutes. As for Ano Vlichada, the problem lies in the Kantili mountains, where many small or large fronts exist and continue to burn, which are scattered and cause new outbreaks. The fire is now moving sideways Nea Peramos.

Meanwhile, in the region Loutraki fire fighting continues. In particular, four fire planes and three helicopters have been thrown into the “battle” since this morning, continuously dropping water. As the representative of the fire brigade noted, the forces of foreign states, provided by the European Civil Protection Agency under the preliminary deployment program, as well as 4 aircraft that arrived in Greece yesterday afternoon from Italy and France, are taking part in extinguishing the fires.

“Today, Wednesday, a very high fire risk is expected in Attica, in areas of Central Greece, the Peloponnese, Crete, the Cyclades and the northern Aegean. In general, high temperatures and strong winds up to 7 Beaufort will prevail. We all remain in a state of combat readiness: both the fire protection forces and the forces of all departments involved in civil defense”– stressed Mr. Vatrakogiannis.

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