September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Weather: heat up to + 40 ° С

According to meteorologists at the National Observatory of Athens, the country will experience its first heat wave next week.

The instability of the weather, which is already the twelfth day today, is likely to last until Monday. Meteorologists predict significant changes and heat up to + 40 ° C.

“For three days, June 19, 20 and 21, the weather will remain unstable, and the air temperature will be relatively moderate. But this situation will change from Monday 21/06 to Tuesday 22/06. In the middle of next week, the country is expected to significantly increase air temperature that will persist for at least three days, ”says Costas Laguvardos, research director at the National Observatory of Athens /

When asked whether the heat will reach + 40 ° C, the expert replies that “yes, this is the most likely scenario. Especially for areas like the interior of Thessaly and the Peloponnese. In principle, it is too early to talk about it, but there is a lot of confidence that this weather change will occur and we will have the first big heatwave (καύσωνας) this summer. From Monday we will have more data, ”adds a meteorologist at the National Observatory of Athens.

In their mid-term forecast, specialists from the National Observatory of Athens (EMY) say that from Tuesday 22/06 the air temperature will rise, mainly in the Ionian Islands and on the mainland, and on Wednesday 23/06 “it will be increased practically throughout the country.”

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