September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Greece, the opening of the “Crime Lab”

On Thursday, February 16, the opening of the first scientific forensic laboratory in Greece, called the Crime Lab, took place.

The gala event where the event was announced was held at the central hotel of Athens. The founder of the Crime Lab was Manolis Sfakianakis, former head of the Electronic Crime Investigation Department, specialist researcher and analyst of electronic crimes.

How tells, Minister for the Protection of Citizens Takis Theodorikakos attended the event. He noted in his speech that security is a project that requires systematic daily work for a specific measurable result, stating:

“In the last year, we were satisfied with the fact that we had the lowest number of murders in the last 11 years and the highest percentage – about 90% – of disclosures.”

Mr. Theodorikakos stressed that the Ministry of Citizens’ Protection has invested significant amounts in equipping and training specialized Greek police personnel to fight all forms of crime:

“In this context, we welcome the collaboration with the “Crime Lab”, created by the hands and mind of a man who has left his mark on the Greek police, as well as in our society.”

At the event, a statement was read by Minister of Justice Costas Tsiaras, who was unable to attend, in which he stressed:

“A crime lab with the deep knowledge and rich experience of its founder and its leaders can contribute to the scientific documentation of truth and therefore the most effective administration of justice.”

Brief greetings were given by Attica Regional Governor Giorgos Patoulis and former Supreme Court Prosecutor Yannis Tentes. And Mr. Sfakianakis stressed that the lab will give a big boost to speeding up court decisions as the time to complete lab tests and get results will be reduced, noting that for the first time in Greece, the role of a forensic scientist has been singled out.

The event was attended by Minister of Civil Protection Takis Theodorikakos, Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras, Deputy Minister of Sports Lefteris Avgenakis, Attica Regional Governor Giorgos Patoulis, deputies, members of the judiciary and lawyers, current and retired employees ΕΛΑΣ.

For the first time, criminalists, analysts and scientists of all specialties are participating in the “Criminal Lab”, who, with their knowledge, will help the work of the judicial and police authorities so that the truth can be established by evidence. It combines 14 scientific laboratories:

  1. DNA analysis/Medical expertise.
  2. Toxicology.
  3. ballistic analysis.
  4. Forensic examination.
  5. Forensic graphology (a science that analyzes handwriting and methods for its study).
  6. Analysis of digital evidence / Digital forensics.
  7. Cybercrime investigation.
  8. economic crimes.
  9. Blockchain / cryptocurrencies research.
  10. Forensic psychology.
  11. Psychiatry.
  12. Psychological support.
  13. Investigation of traffic accidents.
  14. Fire protection, arson and explosion investigations.

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