September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Weather: After a heat wave comes downpours and storms

Meteorologist Clearchos Marousakis talks about dangerous weather events that will come to Greece after a long period of abnormal heat.

As he emphasizes in his Facebook post, after the heat wave of the past few days, bad weather will come on Thursday with hurricanes and storms in several areas of the central and northern part of the mainland.

Natural phenomena will be locally accompanied by rain, hail and severe thunderstorms.

The geographical areas affected by the storm will be: Epirus, Macedonia, Thessaly with a focus on the western and northern parts of the region, west-central continental Greece, the interior of the Peloponnese (mountains and foothills), Thrace (northern part) and mainly northwestern part of the Aegean.

Due to the fact that the weather in recent days has been quite dry and hot, it is very likely that lightning strikes can start fires in areas where thunderstorms pass. So in most of our country on Thursday and Friday there should be full readiness of the relevant services to deal with the elements.

The bad weather reported above will lead to a decrease in air temperature (mainly in the east and north of the country). At the same time, intense heat will remain in the west and south (temperature around +37-38°C).

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