September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Flooding in Mandre: prison sentences for the death of 25 people are suspended

A trial in Athens today sentenced eight people to prison terms found guilty of contributing to the deaths of 25 people during flash floods that flooded the city. mandra in Attica in November 2017. ATAll sentences were suspended pending appeal.

The court sentenced seven former local government and public sector officials to prison terms of more than six years, which, however, can be bought off for a sum seven euros a day.

The court sentenced three defendants, including the former deputy governor, to five years and 19 months, and four more, including the regional deputy governor, to five years and 14 months. Former mayor mandry was sentenced to four years and 22 months in prison.

In addition to local government officials, officials from the City Planning Department, the Egaleo Forestry Department and the regional authorities were found guilty in this case.

25 human lives were valued inexpensively, if the perpetrators can be released for an amount of 10 to 15 thousand euros. Considering that the bribes for building permits in the restricted zone were much higher, the officials remained even in profit.

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