September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

European Parliament: Facebook censors publications on coronavirus in favor of pharmaceutical companies

Three MEPs from Italy’s Identity and Democracy Group * filed a written request for censorship on Facebook, accusing company CEO Mark Zuckerberg of censoring their posts to the benefit of pharmaceutical vaccine companies.

MPs say in their request: “Facebook is increasingly restricting citizens’ freedom of expression by censoring their posts, citing alleged and vague violations of community standards. Its censorship is just as harsh when it is done without a legal basis to silence MEPs on social media, in clear violation of their right to freedom of expression in the exercise of their mandate. “

MEPs argue that “this is being done to prevent the publication of scientifically sound and objective information about the treatment of COVID-19, which is contrary to the financial interests of its main institutional shareholders, who also own shares in pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines.”

“This is a blatant conflict of interest with implications for freedom of expression and the provision of comprehensive information to the detriment of ordinary people,” Italian MEPs said, urging the Commission to wait until a European regulatory framework emerges and to demand that Facebook protect fundamental rights such as freedom of expression. and information to respond to whether it intends to take immediate, appropriate and effective action on the matter.

* According to the official website of the European Parliament (, the group “Identity and Democracy” (ID) was created during the current term of the European Parliament and replaced the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) group. It has 73 members and is the fifth largest political force in the European Parliament. MEPs represent nine EU countries, most of which are represented by the Italian Liga, the French National Rally and the German Alternative for Germany.

PS Add to the above that the accounts responsible for the publication of news from our site on Facebook were blocked due to “showing frames from newsreels about SS divisions Galicia“, a publication dedicated to march of the guards of the SS Division Galicia in Kiev. The editors know that moderation of comments in the Russian-speaking and Ukrainian sector of Facebook there was given away NGO “StopFake”, which is financed by the structures of the Soros Foundation, as well as government agencies of the United States and Great Britain.

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