May 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Development Minister: "Stop whining and suffering"

“Stop whining and suffering. I can’t take the pain anymore. I’m tired of suffering. Whining does not benefit Greece, it harms our homeland. Whoever whines all day harms Greece.

With these words on Monday, Minister of Development Adonis Georgiadis described the situation in the country on the air of the morning edition of “Good Morning Greece” on the ANT1 TV channel. The minister acknowledged that the prices of basic products have risen, but he spoke more about global price increases.

Adonis Georgiadis stated: “Our economy is doing very well compared to others. And we achieved what the German finance minister said in the German parliament when he praised Greece. Greece is a country that has achieved high growth rates and low inflation*. We were presented in the German parliament as an example of success. Don’t moan all day, everyone else can say we’re fine and we moan all day. You can’t do this!”

*inflation is estimated at more than 6.2% in January, ELSTAT. By the way: the Germans praised the economic achievements of Greece 2 years ago or so, if I’m not mistaken, not now.

“Let a German come and live on 600 euros a month, because you and I live on 600 euros a month,” the TV presenter replied.

Minister Georgiadis acknowledged that “prices have risen, especially for energy, which also entails a rise in prices for a number of products”, but added that “the Italian and every European businessman has the same problems. But in no other country is there such a subsidy as provided to entrepreneurs by the Mitsotakis government. Not to mention that there is inflation elsewhere**.

** The minister is being disingenuous again. Similar subsidies are allocated to entrepreneurs of all EU countries and many developed countries of the world. And in some countries, such as the United States, the government simply banned the increase in prices for fuel and many goods.

“In Spain, prices are twice as high as in Greece, as well as higher inflation and rising unemployment ***,” he said in his usual populist manner, comparing the prices of apples and oranges, like Gus Portokalos, and calling everything “fruit”, without mentioning distinctive features, such as a monthly salary.

*** I don’t know where Mr. Georgiadis got the statistics from, but according to the data Eurostat, in Spain 6% inflation, compared to 6.2% in Greece (if, of course, these figures can be trusted). At the same time, the minimum wage is 1050 euros, and the level of real unemployment is 14%. (What do we have there? The same 14%? No, much lower, only 13.3%).

To the question of a journalist who was present at the studio, is it poverty or reality that a businessman who had an electricity bill of 800-1000 euros is now forced to pay 3500 euros, or is a citizen now paying 200% more for utilities and for 30% more for groceries, the minister said: “We all pay more for groceries, but not all of us have the same difficulties.”

“There will be targeted measures for some of the fellow citizens who really have difficulties,” he added, obviously referring to the planned assistance in the amount of 100 euros for vulnerable citizens at Easter to buy groceries. Now let’s get rich and happy…

PS I’m already tired of repeating, can anyone shut their mouths so that they don’t carry nonsense? After all, blaming people for whining about a bad life, and at the same time making the situation worse, is not only cynical, it is also stupid.

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