September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gas cylinder exploded in apartment

A powerful explosion occurred in an apartment on the 2nd floor of a residential building in Patras, as a result of which the man, with burns all over his body, was taken to the hospital.

A violent explosion occurred at about 15:00 in the afternoon on Friday, 04/16, in an apartment located on the 2nd floor of a high-rise building (Aidiniou St., 6, Maruda Square, Patras), disturbing the residents of the surrounding area. According to, at that moment there was an unfortunate man in the house who received severe burns to his entire body.

EKAB fire-fighting vehicles and ambulances arrived at the scene urgently. Rescuers rescued the man from the apartment where the explosion occurred and gave him first aid.

The victim of the domestic gas explosion is reportedly in critical condition.

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