September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece Coronavirus: 130 deaths in 24 hours; 5736 new cases; 700 intubated

Greece nearly hit its previous anti-coronavirus death record on Tuesday, when health authorities announced 130 deaths in the past 24 hours.

This is the second highest rate since the start of the pandemic. The greatest result was on May 3, 2021, when 134 people died in 24 hours. In addition, the authorities also announced 5,736 new cases of coronavirus. The number of intubated Covid patients in hospitals has dropped to 700.

Among the intubated there is a child in a hospital in Thessaloniki.

EODY Official Data December 14

Tests in the last 24 hours: PCR 30,037 RAPID 528,783 Positiveness of PCR + rapid tests: 1.03%

Greece has confirmed 1,012,659 infections since the start of the pandemic (daily change: + 0.6%).

Among the confirmed cases in the past 7 days, 114 cases of infection are associated with travel from abroad, and 2,987 with other confirmed cases.

700 patients are on mechanical ventilation in hospitals, up from 709 a day earlier. Their average age is 64, and 80.1% have an underlying medical condition and / or are 70 years of age or older.

Of the total number of intubations, 568 (81.14%) are not vaccinated or partially vaccinated, and 132 (18.86%) are fully vaccinated.

Intubated age groups:

0-17: 1 18-39: 26 40-64: 344 65+: 325

3,625 people have been discharged from intensive care units since the start of the pandemic.

325 patients with Covid-19 were hospitalized in the last 24 hours (daily change: -2.4%). The average number of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 over the past 7 days was 382.

Partially vaccinated 69.7% Fully vaccinated 65% Number of rapid tests since September 13: 2,330,449 people.

Geographic spread December 14

Of the 5,736 new cases of coronavirus, 7 were detected at the gateway to the country and 16 in travelers already in Greece.

EODY Official Gazette in Greek here… …

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