September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chronic form of COVID-19 – what experts say

Alexander Chuchalin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, announced the existence of a chronic form of coronavirus, Interfax reports.

The scientist said that people who get sick with coronavirus several times are diagnosed with chronic COVID-19. This happens when a person’s immune system is too weak. Chuchalin says:

“Chronic course of COVID. Pay attention to how I put this question. There are those patients who already suffer this disease twice, three times. I must say in the affirmative that, unfortunately, yes – there are such patients. “

Virologist Alexei Agranovsky, professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, agrees with his colleague:

“[Если у человека] there are some immunosuppressive diseases, this is possible, let’s assume for simplicity, a chronic form, when the virus replicates in the body for a long time. “

But he notes that such cases are rare. It is just that a significantly damaged immune status does not ensure effective production of antibodies, and the virus feels comfortable in the body. A much bigger problem is the atypical complications caused by postcoid syndrome. Academician Chuchalin especially notes the danger of stress, noting:

“Americans believe that COVID-19 has created a stressful state of affairs in society. Eight out of ten people indicated that the pandemic caused stress. It’s amazing, I don’t know of any other disease that would have such an impact. “

The scientist draws attention to the fact that about 27% of those who have had covid disease have chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, the virus can cause a low oxygen content in the blood (chronic hypoxemia) and inflammation of the lining of blood vessels, as well as lead to damage to the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

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