September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Electricity subsidies: when will appear on the bills

The surge in electricity prices hit households and businesses in Greece. The invoices received by citizens and businesses are very large and the inability to pay them is obvious.

Government subsidies for electricity consumption do not solve the problem, as they are small, nevertheless, citizens have already seen “government assistance” in their electricity bills.

This is stated in the decree of the ministry, published yesterday in the “Government Gazette”, on assistance relating to September, October, November and December.

The increase in kilowatt-hours due to the energy crisis and the wider use of air conditioners in the summer have become a large financial burden on family budgets. Energy subsidies are expected to be phased in retroactively over the coming days to mitigate the impact of the crisis.

According to the ministry’s decision to subsidize electricity bills for consumers with sliding tariff contracts (κυμαινόμενα τιμολόγια) for supply, which include provisions for adjusting wholesale purchase prices, the unit subsidy is set for September. The amount is € 30 per megawatt hour. In October at 60 euros per megawatt-hour, and for November and December, the monthly subsidy is set at 130 euros per megawatt-hour.

For consumers contracted for rolling bills (κυμαινόμενα τιμολόγια) for electricity, which include provisions for adjusting wholesale purchase prices, and who are eligible to receive the social housing tariff and the monthly tariff for the IBC accounts, in September, the subsidy will be € 30 per megawatt hour. In October, at € 80 per megawatt-hour, and in November and December, the subsidy is set at € 150 per megawatt-hour.

For consumers with whom an electricity supply tariff contract has been concluded, which does not include provisions for adjusting wholesale purchase prices, a specific subsidy is set for each month of the period when this measure is applied in the amount of EUR 20 per megawatt / hour.

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