September 16, 2024

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Alec Baldwin Investigation Presents Witness Testimony

In the published testimony of witnesses of the tragic incident on the set of the western, it was recorded: during the rehearsal, Alec Baldwin aimed at the camera.

Random shot on the set of a western in the United States turned popular actor Alec Baldwin into a murderer – he wounded two people, one of whom died in hospital. The weapon for the filming of the film “Rust” was supposed to be loaded with blank cartridges, but the shot from it proved fatal for the cameraman and director of the picture in which Baldwin plays the main role and is a co-producer. The woman operator died as a result of the gunshot wound. Our publication wrote like Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin first commented the tragedy after the shots during the filming of the film “Rust”. He said that he was very worried about what had happened and worked closely with the law enforcement agencies.

The actor pointed the revolver at the camera, honing his draw, according to the documents. Cameraman Reed Russell and Joel Sousa testified under oath, revealing details of the incident. Both confirm that Baldun was given a prop weapon with the words that it was not loaded, says Air force

The actor, sitting on a pew in the church, practiced drawing a pistol at lightning speed. The moment the fatal shot sounded like a loud bang, Sousa stood behind Hutchins and looked over her shoulder. The bullet hit 42-year-old Galina Hutchins in the chest area. Joel recalls that Galina complained of abdominal pain, and he grabbed the woman who began to sink back. She complained that she could not feel her legs, and she was put down.

Doctor Cherlin Schaefer, who was present at the site, heard a loud shot and asked: “Are we rehearsing?”, According to the Wall Street Journal. Then she heard a call for help and rushed to the part of the site where the rehearsal was taking place. Finding the wounded Hutchins, Schaefer began to give her first aid and told the crew to call 911. The victim was taken to a hospital in Albuquerque, where she died of blood loss without regaining consciousness.

Investigators found on Friday that assistant director Dave Halls handed the weapon over to Baldwin, saying it was not loaded and could be used safely. A crew member who previously worked with Halls on another project said she raised safety concerns about him back in 2019. The chief electrician of the film, Serge Svetnoy, wrote on Facebook that “negligence and lack of professionalism” became the cause of Galina’s death.

Licensed pyrotechnician Maggie Goll, a props maker, told The Associated Press that Halls did not previously adhere to safe gun handling protocols on set. At the same time adding:

“This is not Dave Halls … This is by no means one man’s fault. This is a more serious conversation about safety on set and what we are trying to achieve with it.”

Dave Halls did not want to communicate with the Associated Press, which asked for comment on such statements against him.

Santa Fe police are investigating what happened on the set. The producers of the film also conduct their own. Hutchins’ husband Matthew called his wife’s death a huge loss and published their joint photographs with his nine-year-old son.

Baldwin’s partner in the film, Jensen Ackles, paid tribute to the deceased Galina:

“I don’t even know where to start. This is a tragedy of epic proportions that we are still going through.”

Dave Cortese, a Senator from California, said he would bring forward a bill to ban the use of live ammunition on film sets in the state. He called it unnecessary risk. However, some gunsmiths are convinced that the problem is not at all in the use of weapons – hundreds of films are shot without any incidents, thanks to strict adherence to the rules for handling them.

Random shot on the set of a western in the United States turned popular actor Alec Baldwin into a murderer – he wounded two people, one of whom died in hospital. The weapon for the filming of the film “Rust” was supposed to be loaded with blank cartridges, but the shot from it proved fatal for the cameraman and director of the picture in which Baldwin plays the main role and is a co-producer. The woman operator died as a result of the gunshot wound. Our publication wrote like Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin first commented the tragedy after the shots during the filming of the film “Rust”. He said that he was very worried about what had happened and worked closely with the law enforcement agencies.

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