September 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Patras, a man and a woman fell victim to fraudsters, losing 9,000 euros between them

The victims of the fraud were two residents of Patras – a 46-year-old woman and a 69-year-old man.

Yesterday afternoon, Monday 23 September, both received a call from a man who introduced himself as their accountant's assistant. Under the pretext that the victims were entitled to a shopping allowance (επίδομα market pass), he tricked them into paying 9,000 for both of them.

The fraudster managed to convince the woman to give him her bank passwords, which allowed him to get rich by 6,000 euros. The “accountant” directed the man to an ATM and offered to perform actions “necessary to receive benefits.” Thus, the criminal became richer by another 3,000 euros.

The fraudulent incidents were reported to the Patras security unit by gullible victims, and a fraud case was opened against the criminals. writes CNN Greece.

Just yesterday our publication reported on the fact that What gang members told 13-year-old phone scam victim.

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