September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Syrian who threatened to blow up gas cylinder in residential building is in Greece illegally

Syrian, who threatened to detonate a propane tank in central Athens and jump from the 6th floor of a residential building is in the country illegally because he has no documents and he “waits”when he is deported.

In a conversation with Action 24, the man understood the illegal immigrant’s words and stated that “He has a problem with his documents, they won't give him the documents. They gave him documents for a month and said that he would be deported, he had to go abroad or get asylum. But they did not give asylum. They did not give him documents either to stay in Greece or to go abroad.” According to him, the man says: “If they don't give me documents, I'll jump, I don't want this kind of life.”

In turn, Stavros Balaskas stated that “According to the first information received from the Greek police, this man is a bit restless, he has always had problems, he has a gloomy character. He is Syrian and had problems with his documents.” Greek media call the Syrian an Islamist, but it is unclear where this information comes from. Perhaps the reason is the threat of a gas cylinder exploding.

He learned that his entire family had died. The man reportedly lost his family in Syria and threatened to commit suicide. He was reportedly holding knives and a propane tank and shouting in Syrian: “I'll blow you all up”His compatriots at the scene are trying to calm him down.

The Ministry of Rural Development has been evacuated. Deputy Minister of Rural Development Dionysis Stamenitis told SKAI: the man “he threatened that he had a gas cylinder and various knives. The police ordered us to evacuate the ministry, and we did so.”

«If his threats come true, everyone will be in danger,” he commented and reported that all employees were evacuated from the ministry and are safe.

Police, negotiators, a fire brigade and special forces are working at the scene.

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