September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Europe sees Iranian missiles in Russia as 'direct threat to European security'

Antony Blinken's statements about the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia were followed by a statement from France, Germany and Great Britain, in which these countries spoke about “a direct threat to Europe.”

In particular, the governments of these countries strongly condemned the transfer of Iranian missiles to Russia and said they would cooperate in imposing sanctions against Iran Air. A joint statement by the foreign ministers of the three countries said that “This act is an escalation on the part of both Iran and Russia and a direct threat to European security.”

France, Germany and the UK are expected to move quickly to cancel bilateral aviation agreements with Iran, calling on Tehran to immediately stop all support for Russia in its war with Ukraine.

The original text of the joint statement is as follows:

“Statement by the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, France and Germany, pThe governments of France, Germany and the United Kingdom strongly condemn Iran's export and Russia's purchase of Iranian ballistic missiles. This is a further escalation of Iran's military support for Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which will result in Iranian missiles reaching European soil, increasing the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

This act is an escalation by both Iran and Russia and represents a direct threat to European security. The E3 has made it clear privately and publicly that we will take new and significant measures against Iran if the missile transfer occurs.

We now have confirmation that Iran made these deliveries. We will take immediate steps to cancel bilateral air service agreements with Iran. In addition, we will seek to include in the list significant legal entities and individuals involved in the Iranian ballistic missile program and the transfer of ballistic missiles and other weapons to Russia. We will also seek sanctions against Iran Air.

The E3 Group is closely coordinating our decisive response to these deliveries with our European and international partners. We call on Iran to immediately cease all support for Russia's war against Ukraine and stop developing and transferring its ballistic missiles.”

Recall that earlier today, during a press conference in the UK, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that “Dozens of Russian troops have been trained in Iran to use the 5-350 short-range ballistic missile system, which has a maximum range of 75 miles [120 километров]”. He stressed that Russia has already received batches of these missiles and will most likely use them in the coming weeks against Ukrainian targets.

Note, now at the end, that the West and NATO always seem to challenge Russia with statements and actions, and not the other way around.

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