September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The release of cars that do not break down and are not damaged is coming

A virtually indestructible material promises to revolutionize the automotive industry and beyond.

In an era where technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, a new discovery in the world of materials promises to revolutionize many industries, including the automobile industry. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created an alloy that is characterized as virtually indestructibleopening new horizons in the automotive industry.

The discovery and use of new materials has been an integral part of human history. From the Bronze Age, when the combination of tin and copper led to the creation of a stronger material that gave its name to an entire era. To the present day the search for new alloys continues unabatedmaking ever new discoveries.

Now a team of Berkeley scientists appears to be bringing it to life an ambitious idea: combine four metals known for their hardness and high melting point (molybdenum, niobium, tungsten and hafnium) into an alloy whose strength will exceed known levelsIt is worth noting that only diamond is considered harder specific materials.

However, these metals, although extremely strong, are also difficult to process and often brittle, posing an incredibly difficult challenge for scientists, which they were able to overcome. The solution was found not in perfection, but in imperfection.

During the alloy production process, microscopic cracks are created in the crystal lattice. These cracks, which would otherwise be considered a weakness, act here as an adaptation mechanism. They allow the alloy to deform without breaking, giving it exceptional strength and at the same time flexibility in processing.

Possibilityand the application of this new practically indestructible alloy truly are impressive. The possibility of its use in is currently being discussed. aerospace industrywhere resistance to extreme temperatures and pressures is critical.

The new alloy is expected to be used in the construction of engines for spacecraft and aircraft.

However, it is precisely The automobile industry could experience its biggest revolution yetalthough we are unlikely to see it in the near future. Using this alloy in car manufacturing could lead to vehicles that are lighter, safer and more durable.

Although new alloy NbMoTaWV, or Nb45Ta25Ti15Hf15as it is also called, is still is in the development and testing stagescientists are optimistic that it commercial use is only a matter of time. When this happens, the auto industry as we know it could change radically.

The discovery of this new alloy is yet another example of how scientific research and technological innovation can change our world for the better. It serves as a reminder that the future is full of possibilities, and that human ingenuity knows no bounds.

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